Here's everything you need to know about pregnancy and poop

Here's everything you need to know about pregnancy and poop

It's one of our most asked questions, so here's everything you need to know about pregnancy and poop.

There's no denying it; pregnancy is a rollercoaster ride.

Some of the changes are more noticeable and talked about, like the growing boobs and bump, morning sickness, and food cravings.

But others - like the changes in bowel habits - are less well-known.


It can be alarming when you're suddenly constipated, or have diarrhea, or see green poop in the toilet!

But most of these changes are common, although you must seek immediate medical attention if you notice black or tarry stools, or blood.

Here's everything you need to know about pregnancy and poop

One of the most common complaints during pregnancy is the constipation.

Constipation is having fewer than three bowel movements a week and it can be caused by many different factors such as too little fiber, little exercise, or eating foods that don’t agree with you.


But when it happens during pregnancy, it’s often due to an increase in the progesterone hormone.

Progesterone slows muscle contractions in the intestines and that stops your bowels moving as easily.

Symptoms of constipation

Symptoms of constipation include hard, dry stools, bloating, and straining. You may also have gas or stomach pain.

The good news is there are plenty of things you can do to try to help yourself, including:

  • drinking plenty of water
  • eating more fiber
  • trying to move a bit more.

A stool softener might help severe constipation, but be sure to talk with your doctor first.

Diarrhea (or very loose stools) during pregnancy

Fluctuating hormones during pregnancy can also cause loose or watery stools.

Diarrhea occurs as your body produces the hormone relaxin. This hormone is only released during pregnancy.

It prepares your body for labour and delivery by loosening your joints and ligaments. The problem is that relaxin can also loosen the joints around your rectum, causing bouts of diarrhea.

For the most part, mild diarrhea isn’t serious, but it’s important to stay hydrated and drink plenty of fluids.

Contact your doctor if you have more than three loose stools a day, or if you have other symptoms such as:

  • blood or mucus in your stools
  • weight loss
  • stomach pain
  • fever

Always speak with your doctor before taking any over-the-counter medications to treat loose stools.

Weird poop colours during pregnancy

The colour of your stools can also change during pregnancy, from the normal light or dark brown, to green!

While this can be alarming, rest assured it is common and usually triggered by eating more vegetables and leafy greens.

Some prenatal vitamins or iron supplements can also change the colour of your poop from brown to green.

But if you have other symptoms or are concerned, always talk to your doctor as green poop is sometimes due to an infection, gallstones, food poisoning, and irritable bowel syndrome.

Very dark stools can also occur during pregnancy. But you must contact your doctor immediately if you notice black or tarry poop.

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