Three ways to refill your cup emotionally

Three ways to refill your cup emotionally

Burnout among moms is very real and it can lead to depression, anxiety, relationship damage, and an inability to function at home or at work.

It's hard to care about anything when you feel exhausted, drained and like you're pouring from an empty cup.

But rest assured if you feel like this, you're not alone, mom!

And here are three ways you can start refilling your emotional cup.

Three ways to refill your cup emotionally

  1. Carve out time for yourself: Taking time for yourself isn't a luxury; it's essential to self-care. Schedule it if you have to, and even 10 or 15 minutes a couple of times a day is enough to start. Ask for help IF you have access to it, but if you don't, that's OK too. You just need to be more strict with your time and learn how to say no. Science has proven that chronic, low-grade inflammation can turn into a silent killer that contributes to cardiovas­cular disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes and other conditions.
  2. Commit to better health: A strong body helps balance the stressful situations that have caused your burnout. The basic recipe for good health includes: Exercise: Moderate intensity exercise releases important chemicals that help regulate mood, sleep, and many body systems. Aim for about 22 minutes a day. A good diet: Eating lots of junk food fuels chronic stress, fatigue, depression, and anxiety. Choose more unprocessed foods such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, lean proteins (fish or poultry), and unsaturated fats (such as avocados or olive oil). If time is an issue, try batch-cooking simple, healthy foods. Sleep: Insufficient sleep affects overall health, concentration, and mood. Try to sleep seven to nine hours per night.
  3. Surround yourself with comfort: Hygge (pronounced HOO-ga) is the Danish concept of cozy comfort that brings happiness and contentment. To practice hygge, surround yourself with people, activities, and things that make you feel cozy, loved, happy, or content. Maybe spend time with your favorite people, add a small vase of flowers to your space, don fuzzy slippers once home, eat your favourite food, or go dance!



Eventually, these bits of hygge, health, and personal time will give you something you probably haven't allowed yourself in a while, and that's self-love and compassion.

Be gentle with yourself, pamper your soul and replenish your cup, so you can continue being there for the important people and tasks in your life.

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