Is screen time good or bad for kids?

Is screen time good or bad for kids?

Is screen time good or bad for kids?

Well, here's a confession on my screen time chronicles

I want to limit screen time for my daughter, but sometimes it’s the only break I get.

Screen time has always been a big debate amongst millennial parents.


I’ve seen screen time being linked to slow language development and sluggish social interactions.

But yet, I’ve also seen it being linked to improved social skills and improved literacy skills depending on the quality of the programmes being watched by the kids (e.g. Sesame Street and Daniel Tiger).

So… Is it good or bad? How much screen time is too much? What is acceptable for my child to watch?

Screen time chronicles

Then of course, there’s the extreme guilt you feel when you sit your child in front of the television just so you can get the chance to do some chores around the house, or you hand your child the iPad so you can have a scream-free drive to and from daycare.


That guilt messes with me a lot – the more I offer screen time to my daughter, the more I hear a voice whispering “you’re not a good mom” or “you’re messing her up”.


My consolation speech to myself usually goes something like: “Well, at least it’s something educational she’s watching” or “It’s only for a short amount of time” - and I’ll try to finish what I am doing quickly so I can resume being the present mom I try to be.

The reality of parenthood

Honestly, I was one of those mothers who promised myself there would be little to no screen time for my little one. But when the reality of parenthood set in, bits of screen time became like a saving grace during desperate times.

My daughter is naturally a busy body so it can be very overwhelming at times to offer her attention and entertainment every minute she’s awake.

Even when she spends time with her grandparents, I know they offer her screen time as well and to be fair, I don’t blame them.

Screen time is honestly the only guaranteed option to ensure you get a break.

It really doesn’t help that we are continuously bombarded with social media posts, blogs and scholarly articles discussing the negative effects of screen time for young children.

Mama needs a break

But even with all the help in the world, MAMA NEEDS A BREAK SOMETIMES.

So what do those same scholars suggest, huh?

The pressure to limit screen time is just another reminder that moms can’t do it all.

When moms wake up, someone needs them. When they go to work, someone needs them. When they get back home, someone needs them.

Being a mother is an overwhelming experience, filled with continuous service to others.

So honestly, a little screen time while you gather yourself and try to preserve your mental health is not a bad thing in my books.

You really can’t pour from an empty cup. What really matters is that we have our children’s best interests at heart and taking a little break here and there will ultimately make us better mothers in the long run.

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