5 tips to help get you motivated

5 tips to help get you motivated

If you're struggling under the weight of the responsibility of motherhood and feel like you've lost your mojo, we have 5 tips to help get you motivated.

Even the most productive among us can't be motivated all the time. And that's OK; putting too much pressure on ourselves is one of the biggest mistakes us moms make!

But if you find you are in a slump and would like a little help getting out of it, here are our 5 tips to help get you motivated.

5 tips to help get you motivated

  1. Get organised: Making lists of everything you have to do can help ease the overwhelm and make it easier to stop procrastinating and to get going. Don't set yourself unrealistic targets either!
  2. Take regular breaks: It's so important to take regular breaks so that you don't burnout. Breaks can also help your productivity. A quick 5 minutes every hour or so to stretch, grab a drink, or even go for a little walk around will work wonders for your productivity.
  3. Eliminate distractions: Sounds obvious but definitely one we all need to get better at. Make sure the TV is off and put your phone on airplane mode so that you won't be interrupted.
  4. Make your space work for you: Maybe you need music, maybe you need dead silence. Perhaps you need a view of the outdoors, or maybe you work better in a room with no windows. Either way, just make sure your space works for you.
  5. Reward yourself: Setting up a rewards system is a simple yet effective way to motivate yourself to get work done and be productive. It could be something simple like treating yourself to a coffee, or a nice walk in nature at lunchtime. Just don't overthink it. The smallest things often make the biggest difference when it comes to motivation and productivity.

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