5 of the most annoying questions parents get asked

5 of the most annoying questions parents get asked

Most people mean well but consistent questioning can be frustrating, so here are 5 of the most annoying questions parents get asked.

If your family and extended family are notorious for asking personal - and sometimes uncomfortable - intrusive questions about your personal life, relationships and even your parenting, we feel you!

But there are ways to answer these annoying inquiries with respect for both yourself and the person putting you on the spot.

5 of the most annoying questions parents get asked

The good news is that a little preparation can go a long way in helping you to keep your cool.


Here are 5 of the most annoying questions parents get asked so you can be prepared.

  1. You don't owe anyone explanations: The reality is that you are not obliged to share any detail relevant to your life or your children with anyone else. If someone is asking when you are having a baby, or anything else related to your body or reproductive system or your relationship status, just be blunt and respond with a simple, “I don’t really want to talk about that."
  2. Explain and move on: Some people have no filter when it comes to hitting you up with their advice on how they would do things. In these cases, just answer back in a way that shows them you have heard what they are saying, but you are doing this your way and if you wanted advice, you would have asked for it.
  3. Turn the conversation back to them: You know what people love to do? Talk about themselves. And you can use this to its full advantage when trying to get away from someone's nosy questions. With just a few well-timed questions, you could essentially enjoy your wine and help with food prep while everyone just chats around you.

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