This is the biggest mistake parents make when potty-training

This is the biggest mistake parents make when potty-training

Potty training can be a particularly challenging and emotional time for both parents and child.

And there's no denying the majority of us make plenty of mistakes in the process!

But this is the biggest mistake of all, according to a doctor.

This is the biggest mistake parents make when potty-training

Too many moms and dads are so keen to get their child out of nappies that they start toilet training before their little one is physically, mentally, and emotionally ready.


And that can be harmful on many levels.

Dr Steve Hodges, an American pediatric urologist, has warned that children who start toilet training before the age of two have a three times higher risk of developing daytime wetting problems later on.

He warned: "Parents who toilet train their children early to meet preschool or créche deadlines, or because they think toddlers are easier to train, should know there can be serious repercussions."

Dr Hodges also revealed that early toilet trainers are more prone to later problems because they are more likely to "hold" their poo or wee.


"When children hold their poo, it backs up in the rectum. The enlarged rectum presses against the bladder, reducing its capacity and causing the nerves feeding the bladder to go haywire.

"Research has shown that bladder growth continues in children up to the point of toilet training. Uninhibited peeing and pooping in nappies appear to be more beneficial to bladder development.

"In my practice, it's often the children who trained earliest and most easily who end up with the most severe problems with going to the toilet."

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