Tracking your baby's movements in the womb

Tracking your baby's movements in the womb

Tracking your baby's movements in the womb is an extremely important part of your pregnancy.

Feeling a baby move during pregnancy is a sign that they are well, and feeling that first kick is a moment of unforgettable joy.

Throughout your pregnancy you'll get used to the rhythm of these movements and, if the baby moves less, this can be an important warning sign that the baby is not well.

It is essential that pregnant women seek IMMEDIATE advice from a medical professional if they notice any changes in their baby’s movement.

Tracking your baby's movements in the womb


And don't rely on hand-held dopplers, which are small devices that send out high-frequency ultrasound waves and claim to monitor a baby’s heartbeat in the womb. (Or apps that claim to do the same thing for that matter).

Experts have advised moms-to-be not to use these at home as they are unsafe and inaccurate; it is extremely easy to confuse a baby's heartbeat with that of its mother, or with the pulsations within the placenta.

Additionally, hearing a heartbeat is not a reliable way to tell if your baby is well.

Only a trained professional is in a qualified position to judge this.

Monitoring changes in movements


Monitoring changes in movements and reporting any reduction immediately is the best way to be safe.

This FREE app from Kicks Count, a UK-based organisation set up to raise awareness of baby’s movements in pregnancy to reduce the UK’s stillbirth and neonatal death rate, is a fantastic resource to help you get to know your baby’s regular pattern of movement.

Tracking baby’s movements like this will help you identify a change in pattern, and that can save lives.

The most important thing is your intuition. Listen to your body and trust your instincts!

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