Here are the 10 white lies it's OK to tell your kids

Here are the 10 white lies it's OK to tell your kids

Yes, you read that right - here are the 10 white lies it's OK to tell your kids

Now of course one of the earliest and most important lessons we teach our kids is the importance of honesty.

It helps build trust and sets them up for adulthood where honesty is the best policy (most of the time!)

But there are some occasions when being creative with the truth, or telling a little white lie, might be the best way to protect them.


Don't just take our word for it; child psychologist Dr Alison McClymont agrees - and shared the 10 white lies she thinks it's OK to tell your kids.

Here are the 10 white lies it's OK to tell your kids

Here are the 10 white lies the psychologist believes parents can use.

  1. Your teeth will fall out if you don't brush them: This harmless white lie might be worthwhile if it helps kids to keep up good hygiene habits. But there's a fine balance between encouraging them to brush their teeth and traumatising them! So tread carefully.
  2. Screen time after a certain time is illegal: Screens can be addictive, and screen time should be limited for your child's wellbeing. But this can cause huge rows at home so in this scenario, telling a little white lie is justified.
  3. Lie about their creations: Creative skills are important for building self-confidence, imagination and self-expression. So no matter how bad their artwork is, celebrate it like they're the next Picasso!
  4. Unhealthy foods taste bad: If you don’t want your kids to eat sugary treats like cake, you could pretend they taste bad. But you'll only get away with this one for a few years, so make the most of it! Just ensure you never make weight-related comments as these can cause lifelong eating disorders.
  5. Everyone goes to bed at the same time: Bedtime can be a huge struggle, as every parent knows, and this can cause untold stress when you're exhausted after a long day. So it's OK to tell the kids you're going to bed at the same time. This will hopefully ease their FOMO and mean you get some alone time.
  6. Peppa is on vacation: This goes back to them not spending too much time glued to a screen, and will encourage them to find other activities that they enjoy.
  7. The car will only start when all seat belts are buckled: This one needs no explanation.
  8. You will get your finger permanently stuck up your nose: They all do it, but it's a dirty habit that you want to stamp out quickly. So why not tell this little fib as a deterrent?
  9. Everything you learn is important: “All of life is a lesson and to promote a love of learning for learning’s sake is extremely beneficial," says the psychologist.
  10. You can do anything you set your mind to: This statement is not always going to be true, but it is important for kids to hear it to feel empowered and positive about setting goals and intentions.

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