9 tips on when to wean your baby off the breast

9 tips on when to wean your baby off the breast

Deciding to stop breastfeeding is a very personal choice and one that can take a great physical and emotional toll on mom - so here are our 9 tips on when to wean your baby off the breast.

Moms often have many questions when the time comes to start weaning baby off the breast.

What is the best age to start weaning my baby, how do I start, and what will baby eat are just some of them.

The most important thing to remember is that there's no rule, every baby is different, and it's vital you take your time.

9 tips on when to wean your baby off the breast

  1. Go slow: Don't rush it. It is a major adjustment for both you and baby, so a gradual approach is best.
  2. Drop the night-time milk feeds first: Prolactin levels - the hormone responsible for making milk - are higher in the middle of the night, so dropping overnight feeds first will help decrease your supply.
  3. Drop one feed every 3-5 days: That's how long it takes your body to send the message.
  4. Don't compare: Comparison is the thief of joy and a real source of unnecessary mom stress. Everyone is different.
  5. Have a plan: If your baby is younger than 12 months, it’s important to start supplementing with formula as you begin decreasing feedings from the breast. If you're moving to solids, prep some food so you're not panicking.
  6. Get kitted out: If you need bottles or a high chair, cup and baby bowl, make sure you have them.
  7. Prepare for the emotions: Your hormones will be all over the place. Be ready!
  8. Be in control: Don't let other people's opinions dictate your path. You do you!
  9. Ask for help: Speak to your paediatrician, look up some experts online, ask other moms, start a topic in the Caribbean Moms Discussions Forum, or find a local lactation consultant to help you.

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