6 things all new moms are afraid to do

6 things all new moms are afraid to do

Being a new mom is an emotional rollercoaster fuelled by self-doubt - and here are 6 things all new moms are afraid to do.

Our aim in raising these things is to make you realise you are NOT alone, and also that you should not be afraid to trust your instincts and mother as you see fit.

Nothing can prepare you for the joy, awe, and shock of holding your tiny baby for the first time and realising they're yours and that you're now responsible for keeping them alive.

And for some strange reason people tend to tell you the silliest things, like: You'll never sleep again, you'll never shower alone, your relationship will suffer...


But we're here to say; ENOUGH!

You are the mom, it is your natural instinct to nurture and protect, and you will work out the best way to look after your little one - so stop with the fear!

So, here are 6 things all new moms are afraid to do.

6 things all new moms are afraid to do

  1. Be vulnerable: You're allowed to be overwhelmed, scared, uncertain. And regardless of how much you love your baby, there will be times you'll want to scream and run away. And that's OK too. Give yourself permission to feel whatever you’re feeling, without the guilt trip.
  2. Ignore parenting gurus: The world demands you pick a parenting style, as if it's really that black and white. You know your baby, you know your family and your lifestyle, so you do what works best for you.
  3. Ignore absolutes: We'll say it again for the people at the back; parenting is not black and white. We have to let go of the pressure of this all-or-nothing approach and do what's best for you and your baby. If you need to tell people to keep their opinions to themselves, then please do it.
  4. Trust your instincts: This one really needs no explanation. You know your baby best. If something feels wrong, it probably is. Your intuition is your superpower. Don't ignore it.
  5. Be forceful: If you don't want visitors in those first few weeks, let people know. If you feel like your pediatrician isn't listening, insist on a second opinion. If your in-laws are trying to tell you how to parent, tell them to butt out.
  6. Do 'nothing': Who said you can't sit on the couch and do nothing? Why can't you just stay in your pyjamas for the day? Newsflash: you can! Your job is being a mom so you don't need the added stress of cleaning the house, sorting the cupboards, or batch-cooking. What worked for one person may not work for you, so why don't you just take a deep breath and chill out. New parenting is hard enough without you adding needless pressure to yourself.

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